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10 Tips Before You Go on That Retirement Road Trip

Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for June 8. We have been on an extended retirement road trip this week (see Featured Article below). We will be reporting on that experience and the places we visited in the weeks to come, along with Part 2 of our Social Security 2017 Update.

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Last week's most popular article:

It's 2017: What You Need to Know about Social Security

50 State Mini-Retirement Guides

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Eureka Springs, Alabama

A resort village in the northwest corner of Arkansas with steep winding streets and well-preserved Victorian-era homes. It has an alpine feeling and the undulating streets rise and fall with the topography.

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10 Tips Before You Go on Your Retirement Tour

For the last week your Editor has been a tour of retirement spots in 6 midwestern states. We will be reporting on that in the coming weeks. But the first thing we want to do is give our dear Members the benefit of what we learned along the way - about how to go on a retirement road trip.

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Best Places to Retire

Ocean City, Maryland

It's summertime and a great time to visit this resort town and popular retirement destination. Many retirees choose to live here year round for the many activities.

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Best Way to Visit an Active Adult Community

This article from our archives offers a parallel to today's feature on how to go on a retirement road trip.  We think the combination will give you variety of tips to get the most out of your retirement exploration.

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